I made an editor to make a database, based on these tutorials. All works fine but when I close and then reopen Unity it says “The associated Script can not be loaded. Please fix any compile errors and assign a valid script.”
My database (scriptable object) is in a separate folder in my assets.
This is in my editor class:
public partial class AbilityEditor : EditorWindow
AbilityDatabase database;
const string DATABASE_NAME = "AbilityDatabase.asset";
const string DATABASE_PATH = "Databases";
const string DATABASE_FULL_PATH = "Assets/" + DATABASE_PATH + "/" + DATABASE_NAME;
[MenuItem("Game Systems/Databases/Ability Editor")]
public static void Init()
AbilityEditor window = EditorWindow.GetWindow<AbilityEditor>();
window.minSize = new Vector2(800, 600);
window.titleContent = new GUIContent("Ability System");
void OnEnable()
if (database == null)
database = AbilityDatabase.GetDatabase<AbilityDatabase>(DATABASE_PATH, DATABASE_NAME);
GetDatabase is this function. Note that this is in a different, generic class. it inherits from scriptableobject and then the class for the database inherits from this one:
public static U GetDatabase<U>(string dbPath, string dbName) where U : ScriptableObject
string dbFullPath = "Assets/" + dbPath + "/" + dbName;
U db = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(dbFullPath, typeof(U)) as U;
Debug.LogWarning("Running this function");
Debug.Log("db: " + db);
if (db == null)
//Check to see if the folder exists
if (!AssetDatabase.IsValidFolder("Assets/" + dbPath))
AssetDatabase.CreateFolder("Assets", dbPath);
//Create the database and refresh the AssetDatabase
db = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<U>() as U;
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(db, dbFullPath);
return db;
The scriptableObject is always null, but only after start up. When I reopen the editor it does find it and does not make a new one (which erases the existing one if done).
The thing is, the scriptableObject is always having a “missing script” error in the editor, right after I just launch Unity. But opening once, and stop, will make the scriptableObjects seem to “remember” again the values in it. I really don’t know what’s causing this.