Scriptable Objects as a datatable

I am trying to use Scriptable objects as a datatable of all of my skills as estated in this video
Overthrowing the MonoBehaviour Tyranny in a Glorious Scriptable Object Revolution

I have a Scriptable Object that contains an array of skills

public class Skill
    public int idSkill;
    public string title;
    public Sprite imagen;
    public string descripcion;
    public bool desbloqueado;
    public int precio;
    public GameObject skillScript;

public class SkillData : ScriptableObject
    public  Skill[]  skills;

    public void OnEnable()
        if ( skills== null)  skills = Resources.Load< SkillData>("Data/ SkillData"). skills;

I have created an object of type SkillData and filled it manually with the data of the skills ( Title,descripcion,image…etc) and It works, however If ‘accidentaly’ set the element array size of the object ‘SkillData’ to 0 or use this statament

public class SkillData : ScriptableObject
    public  Skill[]  skills;

    public void OnEnable()
        // Since my SkillData already created object is a SkillData type, when unity enable it call this fuction and erase my data
         skills = new Skill[1];

All of my work will be deleted like if a do DROP Database ( on a real database),

It is very easy to erase all of the data by accident , so the question is

I am missing something? It is any way to ensure that the data will persist even if I erase all of the data?
Is there any way to ‘force’ unity ask you if you are sure to delete data or something similar? Is there a better way to store data in order to evade the erase of it?

Thanks in advance

I just change the way I organize my data, my skill class now derived from ScriptableObject and I have one per skill and they all are on a Resources>Data>Skill folder, then I load them all with

 skills = Resources.LoadAll<Skill>("Data/Skills");