Scriptable Objects workflow

SO make sense for data but not for all types of events. In terms of this project it will also be tough to see source-control changes and figure out what exactly happened (code is much cleaner is this aspect).

From different thread about SO events Scene Loading System :
I dislike this approach a lot but who knows, maybe I don’t know something.

  1. How do you find references in project to a ScriptableObject event?
  2. Can you modify respond to an event (adding/removing listeners) without modifying a scene? (in case where there’s GameObject on a scene that uses ScriptableObject).
    I dislike SO events in general, tried them in my project and they were terrible. I would only use them if I had 9 designers and 1 programmer in a team.

With other approaches you can quickly see all references/listeners/raisers.

In this example wrappers can be made to let designers use them in editor (for ex. ButtonLoadMenu) and they give more context than very generic “GameEvent”.