Scriptable Render Loops - plans for tagged version for 2017.1 release or 2017.2 beta?

I was wondering if there are any plans to tag a more recent version on github that will be compatible with either a release version of 2017.1 or a beta of 2017.2?

Also is it possible to sort out the forum thread situation for ongoing discussion of this stuff? First there was a thread in this subforum to talk about it, then that got locked in favour of one in the 2017.1 beta forum, and that is now locked too since the 2017.1 beta period ended. The thread in the beta 2017.1 beta forum was quite good, would you consider moving it to this subforum so that it may live on, given that this pipeline stuff is ongoing work that is crossing multiple versions of unity development?

(the thread I’m on about : Feedback Wanted: Scriptable Render Pipelines - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions )

Cheers :slight_smile:


I agree!

I’ve asked if SRP going to have it’s own sub-forum but the answer was that the whole Graphics Experimental Previews sub-forum is for it

yeah but I’m not seeing the same enthusiasm and participation of people in that sub-forum as it doesn’t have a specific Post to talk about it, rather it has multiple posts of tons of general graphics things, in the 2017.1 beta forum post at least people were talking periodically about the subject, unity devs contributing to the discussion, now it’s kinda lost in the air

@Tim-C Can we get SRP sub-forum or main SRP post in the Experimantal Graphics sub-forum or something like that?

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I’ll move the main post to here. I’ll close this thread. To answer the question: I’ll get it tagged sometime next week (on vacation at the moment on my phone)