somehow managed to absolutely bork something that worked before. Right now, trying to “Reimport” a subscene that’s trying to allocate built blob array data will crash the headless LiveLink Unity instance (resulting in being indefinitely displayed and the subscene script never updating)
and taking out the authoring gameobject that’s causing this crash out of the subscene, attaching a ConvertToEntity component onto it and attempting to test it out in play mode will cause Unity to instantly crash.
in my code, i do everything for setting up Blob Asset data. and it will work all the way until you have to allocate it. in my specific instance, it’s a bunch of asset arrays. but once the process reaches the first instance of the blob builder allocation, it crashes. commenting out the allocation code will stop the crashing.
the allocation worked perfectly fine prior. In fact, it was good until i tried setting up a second subscene. the GameObjectConversion system was giving me errors in the subscenes conversion log, since the second subscene didn’t have the authoring gameobject within it, so there was no associated entity with the appropriate data (was using GetEntityQuery at the time). so I used Try/Catch to just, avoid that.
that was working fine. it was around this time i set up the authoring data via a ScriptableObject, and just had the authoring gameObject reference that instead. that worked fine too.
then I decided to see if I could get around Try-Catch without having to make sure each subscene had the same authoring gameobject in all of them, but still each having their own Blob Asset Reference. I believe this is where the mistake happened. instead of using an authoring gameobject, I just tried to create an instance of the Scriptable Object directly in the conversion system (ScriptableObject.CreateInstace<>() to be precise), and then tried using that SO in the system for the authoring data source.
I think that’s what caused the issue I have now. code that worked perfectly fine before, that i’ve even reverted back to, instantly crashes unity now.
Leaving the code in the section in the middle there will cause whatever Unity instance that runs it to crash atm, both LiveLink headless versions, or the main Unity instance. commenting out that code, and JUST that code, and everything will run perfectly fine again, albeit, without actually setting up any data in the blob asset cause it’s commented out.
also, my first forum post, so apologies so if this forum based bug report sucks?