I have a number of scriptableObjects where I’m setting many parameters to configure levels.
Some of the scriptableObjects are randomly reverting to a previous state, even after multiple scene saves and project saves.
It is driving me crazy because after many hours configuring one, I will open another only to find that it has reverted to a past state. It isn’t affected by the changes made to the others, it really is reverting to a previous state while more recent changes are kept in others.
I have lost a lot of work because of that. I’m at a point where I don’t know if I should change my approach and not use scriptableObjects.
I have created a class to keep saving the project, while using the editor or during play, and placed EditorApplication.ExecuteMenuItem("File/Save Project");
there thinking it would help.
I am thinking it might be because I have duplicated those scriptableObjects from an initial one, and grew from there. If that is the problem, is there a way to fix this for those I have created already? And how should I go about building a scriptableObject from a previous one?
It is also weird because I test closing the scene, restarting play, a lot, and it seems like it is saved. But then, just now that I had Unity closed during the weekend, I open it and found some of them reverted to what I did at the beginning of Friday while others I edited late in that day are intact.
I am using git, I don’t know if that matters.
Thank you