Hello everyone,
I’m having some trouble working with ScriptableObjects.
I have a ScriptableObject that looks like this:
public class DataHolderObj : ScriptableObject
public string Name = string.Empty;
public Sprite Background;
public Color BackgroundColorTint = Color.white;
public List<Symbol> Symbols;
My Symbol class looks like this:
public class Symbol
public Sprite SymbolSprite;
public string SymbolName = string.Empty;
Now, instead of editing it in the inspector, I made a wizard like window (the object is more complex then I’ve shown).
My window class looks like this:
public class DataHolderObjWindow : EditorWindow
private DataHolderObj _dataHolder;
public void Init(DataHolderObj holder, bool isNew)
_isNew = isNew;
if (isNew)
_dataHolder= holder;
// some OnGUI stuff
if (_isNew)
if (GUILayout.Button("Save"))
var path = DefaultPath + _dataHolder.MachineName + ".asset";
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(_dataHolder, path);
Selection.activeObject = _dataHolder;
if (GUILayout.Button("Save Changes"))
And the code that opens the window:
[MenuItem("Scriptable Objects/Create DataHolderObj")]
static void DataHolderObjScriptableObject()
// Get existing open window or if none, make a new one:
var window = (DataHolderObjWindow)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(DataHolderObjWindow), true, "Object Editor");
var asset = CreateInstance<DataHolderObj>();
window.Init(asset, true);
[MenuItem("Assets/Edit DataObj")]
private static void EditMachine()
// Get existing open window or if none, make a new one:
var window = (DataHolderObjWindow)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(DataHolderObjWindow), true, "Object Editor");
window.Init((DataHolderObj)Selection.activeObject, false);
[MenuItem("Assets/Edit DataObj", true)]
private static bool EditMachineValidate()
return Selection.activeObject.GetType() == typeof(DataHolderObj);
Now for my problem:
If I open the window from the top menu (creating a new data) everything works as intended and the ScriptableObject is saved.
If I edit the ScriptableObject from the inspector, all changes are saved correctly.
If I edit the ScriptableObject by right clicking on it (Edit DataObj) the window loads the correct data and i can modify it and after closing the window I can see the modified data in the inspector.
But, if I close Unity and open again, the modified data is gone.
Any ideas?