Scriptalbe Objects Question

I’m looking to expand my tool set by learning about scriptable objects and when to use them. I’m not sure if what I am trying to do would be a good use of them or not. I’m working on a UI where I have a button in the center of the screen with right and left arrows to change the image of the button (such a the character’s picture). When the player presses the button a different scene will be loaded as well as player stats based the image displayed. Is using scriptable objects on the button in this case a good use of them or should I use another approach?

You should look through a few tutorials on different things that scriptable objects can do for you, to understand the way they span context and time and can bring things together.

If you haven’t already, you should definitely watch these two videos:

I admit I don’t completely understand the description of your use-case, but hopefully these videos give you an idea of some ways that can be used. Admittedly there’s a LOT of ways they can, and I use them pretty much all the time.