Scripting error

what im trying to do is make it so that when i click on the menu icon it displays or enables the 3d text. But when it’s not selected the 3d text is disabled. Can anyone help with me with this code and tell me whats wrong.

P.S. Options is the 3D text name.

  using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class GameTabs6 : MonoBehaviour {
	 GameObject Options;

void OnGUI(){
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(100,0,50,25), "Menu")){
GetComponent<GameaTabs5>().enabled = false;
GetComponent<GameTabs3>().enabled = false;
Options.renderer.enabled = true;


If you have the game object on which the text is located then this will do it:

gameObject.renderer.enabled = false; //or true