I need help creating the following scripts PLEASE and thanks
I want a script where when i walk through a collider a question appears in the middle of the screen such as “What is the color of the sky” and the answer choices being Numpad 1-4 1) Blue 2) red 3) Black 4) Gray, and if the correct answer is given, the collider is destroyed and you can move through to recieve the object.
I would like a script to display text on screen when i walk over/through an invisible plane such as “Press Space to jump” or something like that.
You shouldn’t expect people here to write the code for you. What you should do is get your rtfm hat on and start rtfm. THEN when you have a problem with some code you have already written, try to post it here.
That being said, what you’re probably looking for is an invisible box collider that acts as a trigger, onTriggerEnter you want a textmesh or some GUIText to appear and get keyboard input in order to get things moving on. Do remember to Destroy the collider so you won’t have bugs or memory leaks.