Scripting issues

I’m trying to create a simple teleporter using the event onplayertriggerenter, the graph is definitely set up right but when I enter the portal aka trigger the collider it crashes out of play mode and says the the object is being destroyed Use destroy instead of destroy immediately I’m lost and the problem seems nonsensical

More information is needed here. You say “the graph is set up right”, are you using Visual Scripting? Or is this via code/the inspector? If so, we’d need to see the code and examples of the set up, along with what line of code the error is occuring on.

If you are posting code, please make sure to use code-tags: Using code tags properly

Ok hold on one sec

This is via udon visual graph

Is this a VR chat thing? Do they have their own support forums/Discord?


.export newVariable

__instance_0: %VRCSDKBaseVRCPlayerApi, null
__teleportPos_0: %UnityEngineVector3, null
__teleportRot_0: %UnityEngineQuaternion, null
__instance_1: %UnityEngineTransform, this
__instance_2: %UnityEngineTransform, this
newVariable: %UnityEngineTransform, this



.export _interact


PUSH, __instance_0
EXTERN, “VRCSDKBaseNetworking.__get_LocalPlayer__VRCSDKBaseVRCPlayerApi”
PUSH, newVariable
PUSH, __instance_1
PUSH, __instance_1
PUSH, __teleportPos_0
EXTERN, “UnityEngineTransform.__get_position__UnityEngineVector3”
PUSH, newVariable
PUSH, __instance_2
PUSH, __instance_2
PUSH, __teleportRot_0
EXTERN, “UnityEngineTransform.__get_rotation__UnityEngineQuaternion”
PUSH, __instance_0
PUSH, __teleportPos_0
PUSH, __teleportRot_0
EXTERN, “VRCSDKBaseVRCPlayerApi.__TeleportTo__UnityEngineVector3_UnityEngineQuaternion__SystemVoid”


Yes it is a vr chat world

I don’t know if they will be as quick to respond

I can set the instance of the teleport function to get local player and the event to interact and the teleport works but I want it to be when the player passes through the box and that is with the event onplayertriggerenter

If you know anything or someone who can help I’m really held up rn by it