is anyone familiar with the creation kit for Skyrim ?
is there is a way to use Papyrus scripting language in Unity ?
nope, your stuck with C# or UnityScript. Really if you know a little of any programming language you can pick up others quickly so i reccomend that you just learn C# from the start when learning unity.
I know, but I have been using the Creation Kit for almost 2 years now, and I have found that Papyrus is the best scripting language for none programmers. however, if someone is a programmer is it possible for him to create a similar functions and all scripting references from the Papyrus into C# so C# will interpert these functions into C# ?
Technically speaking so long as you can compile down to a .dll in IL you can use any language in Unity. I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that Papyrus isn’t .NET. That means you will have to implement the plugin to use it yourself. A lot more work then just learning C# in the first place.
For alternative non programmer solutions investigate PlayMaker and other visual scripting solutions.
Yes, you can potentially create a compiler that works by converting from one language to another prior to the actual compilation stage. QB64, a language designed to be compatible with QuickBASIC, compiles code by first converting it into C++ and then passing it to GCC.
I skimmed through some learning resources dealing with Papyrus and frankly it is too weak to be a good choice. It would need to be expanded to be practical for Unity development.
One of the problems with the concept of a “best […] language” is that once you’ve learned the basics of coding actual game development mostly becomes a matter of problem solving and learning the APIs. You only spend a relatively short amount of time learning the language itself.