Scripts for newbies! (Mass in-editor rename, triggers, timers. Free)

I can’t believe it, I finally made my first published Asset, but I bet someone will say “I didn’t understand a thing about what is inside”:

The logo pretty much covers it, pros can skip this one, if you don’t want the laziest inspector way of doing of things, which in the end can be slower, for a pro.

If someone will notice the little mistype (though in this state it’s actually a bit more informative) on one of the screens comparing to what’s inside, i’ll fix it.

Celebrating first 18 downloads (+bunch of “sales”) already inside the Unity Editor.
But i didn’t get any reviews (I guess because mostly the end user knew what he loads and was satisfied?).
So I dont know what people actually think.

Well, at least it is more understandable than the solutions of some competitors, i.g.