Simple and straight question; I’m making a rpg, and I want to store a lot of character data, such as status or information, what should be better for me? Using scriptable objects to maintain the character status and info on a file so I can modify it, or make it a script class inside the character object that will pull info from another place?
I feel like using a script class I will need to keep all the info somewhere anyways, any hints or ideas?
The title and your description don’t completely match, so I’ll answer both questions I see.
- Where / how to store data: to me the best idea seems to use a file (e.g. JSON), or include a database (but then you’d need a lot of data, I assume you won’t need that).
- Scripts vs ScriptableObject: Scripts are what you use in your project to seperate logic and put that logic onto GameObjects. Scriptable Objects are used to make the generation of certain objects (e.g. playing cards) more generic.
So in conclusion: use JSON to store data, then load it into memory (via either Scripts, Scriptable Objects, or both; whichever is more useful for your project).