
Hello everyone im new With unity and has started developing my first game.

the last weeks i have learned alot from tutorials.
Im being inspired from games like fallout, the warz/Dayz and i want to make a free survival game without Pay to win.

So far i got some free enemys With animations to start for Learning myself how this work. I got a simple AI scripts for them, the problem is the animations dosent seem to work.
The models arms and legs dont move, they are in one posision, it looks like they are walking without animations. How can i fix this?

I have also been looking at the Unistorm from the assetstore, and it looks great, but i cant seem to find any explanation how too install it, can anyone help me out here?

Thanks for reading

Hi, see this video about Mecanim animation system
Also you can found there are files of example project.
Good luck!