Scroll view touch-like input in desktop

Is there any way to make the ScrollView control react to mouse clicks as if they were touch events? I.e. scroll the view by clicking and dragging.

It was possible using UGUI’s scroll view and while migrating to UITK I’m having trouble getting that functionality.

For vertical scrolling it’s not much of an issue, but for horizontal+vertical scrolling (i.e. panning) it is absolutely required.

Since Visual Scripting already has panning I’m guessing there is a way to achieve panning, but I don’t know what it is. Anybody care to enlighten me?

I have looked at the source of Visual Scripting, and it seems panning is achieved using a MouseManipulator and lots of “manual” code. I would love a way to achieve panning in the regular ScrollView on desktop without having to spend hours writing panning code.

It that’s at all possible :slight_smile: