However, if I try scrolling with the scrolling wheel it works as long as the mouse isn’t hovering over the buttons.
On each button I have a script that activates when the mouse is hovering over them via event trigger, so that might be a problem, but I turned it off and it still didn’t work.
Its simple but I can’t figure out what I am doing wrong.
Need more code or examples to help out. It should work. Debug your code (add Debug.log(“…”); statements to see what it is doing.
Else, make a simple new dialog from scratch, add a scrollView etc. to it and test it frequently while adding complexity and features.
So I screwed around for a bit and figured it out: Event triggers are not allowed in scrollbar content. My buttons had an event trigger, which had a higher priority than the scrollbar.
How can I make event triggers and scrollbar work together? I need the event triggers on my buttons, but when hovering over the buttons the scrolling doesn’t work