I have used two planes with two different textures.they will follow themselves .but there is split line like below between to planes :
How can I attach the planes to each other exactly?
Should I Use some scripts to fix that.
I have used two planes with two different textures.they will follow themselves .but there is split line like below between to planes :
How can I attach the planes to each other exactly?
Should I Use some scripts to fix that.
Child one to the other. Move one into slightly up, or down.
Not worked…
Put them exactly X units apart from each other, where X is their size. Unless I’m not understanding the problem correctly?
yah seems confusing. you want to hide the line? move them so they overlap.
yes I want to hide the line and make smooth background. Overlap ? I cannot , because they should exactly follow themselves. they are part of one big image.I have split them with photoshop.
I think there is with plane materials which makes shadows.
why cant you overlap them one pixel?
Part of game programming is illusion.
I know some part is illusion. but if I make y-overlap . the textures will smudged and mixed to each other , and background will be crashed.
You know that , There is problem with camera . when I start to move camera to test the scrolling , the line appears , and in the game when planes start to move and camera is fixed . again line will appear . So there is a problem with camera i think.
Don’t know. If it is your background, why do you need two planes? Why not have one? Your background looks like stars that do not require a lot of detail.
This an invader game . main background size is 4000x6000 px . and i have cut that into two 4000x3000 px . they should be set as scrolling background.
I don t know man.
Never Mind . I Will Solve that. Thanks any way for your time…
No worries.
I thought it was something very simple to do. Is the background transparent? Less than 1 alpha? … Seems odd, but I don’t get what you are trying to do? When your backgrounds scroll… Do they do so in parralax? Or in harmony?
If A B are background images,they arrangement is like this :
I can’t see your posted image, so I’ve no idea exactly what it is you’re trying to achieve visually, but if you’re going for a simple parallax star field effect, the old way is still the best way:
You can produce these by creating a simple 2D Plane GameObject and slapping the 2D ‘star’ image onto it. (Remember to make sure the image itself has an alpha channel and make sure to pick a shader that will support that alpha channel so we can see through the transparent bits of the image.)
Attach a ‘scroller’ script to the Prefabs that simply moves the plane down the screen (usually in the ‘Y’ direction, but it depends on how you’ve set the camera up.) Make sure the scroll speed is exposed in the Inspector by making it a public variable.
Create a “star handler” script for your main camera that Instantiates random ‘star’ Prefabs whenever an existing one drops out of view, while Destroying those older stars as they’re no longer visible. The script should also set the star Prefab’s position to be some distance behind the main action, and also sets its scroll value (i.e. movement speed).
The slower the star will move, the more you push it back from the camera—but not too much, or it’ll be beyond the far clipping plane (this is the distance beyond which the virtual camera stops ‘seeing’ anything). The idea is to make sure faster stars appear above the slower ones or it’ll look weird, but small differences will be enough: they’re just flat planes as far as Unity is concerned.
You’ll likely need to experiment with the numbers and speeds to get it to look right, but the big advantage of this technique is that you use a lot less memory and processing power—especially on mobile devices—and the system can be scaled up to show many more stars on more powerful platforms without much effort.