Scrolling background

Hi there I’m just new to unity and coding.

Want to try my hand at parallax scrolling backgrounds. I know there are plenty of videos and tutorials explaining how to do that but I have a question that those videos dont cover.

I’m curious if I can have an infinite scrolling background that changes the background image.

I would like to have the background go from blue sky for a decent amount of time, then have a transition image (like leaving a planets atmosphere), then infinite scroll black and stars like a space background.


Haven’t done such thing, but break it into pieces; You don’t have anything “infinite”, just repeating A, B and C backgrounds.

And if you are more skilled, you can also add transitions from A to B and so on.

So you have a list of backgrounds that loop, then when some value is reached, you do the transition and start looping next item in your list. And that doesn’t mean just one image / model it could be more complex setup.