Is it just me, or is anybody else experiencing a complete lack of scrollwheel functionality in unity under os x?
i tried three different mouses (logitech, microsoft, walcom) with usb overdrive, logitech control center and the standard apple driver… nothing.
i cant say exactly when it stopped working, but everything was fine a few weeks ago… maybe the 10.5.5 update is the reason?
there is a scrollwheel example i found on the forum.
September 27, 2008, 3:07am
I know the scrollwheel won’t work in Unity if you’re using USB Overdrive (use Steermouse instead), but other than that, nope, no problems. Still on 10.4.11 though.
steermouse ROCKS! thanks for the tip.
now back to scrolling.
i think logitech control center might also have caused the problem somehow.
i have the same problem with usb overdrive 3 on Snow Leopard with Unity 2.6
I believe i had this with 2.5 too.
Since i bought usb overdrive and never had any problem with it, steermouse is not an option.
I’ve actually had a couple of problems with USB Overdrive other than Unity. I’m afraid the only solutions are for USB Overdrive to be fixed, or switch to something that isn’t bugged.
i’ve sent the developer an e-mail. hope to hear something soon, i keep you guys informed.
i’ve got a reply from the author:
I have never tried Unity3d but it looks like something that would try to talk directly to the Mac OS X HID driver (or directly to the mouse). USB Overdrive is built on top of the standard HID class and doesn’t do anything different to handle the wheel, so my first guess is that Unity3d looks for a specific class name that does not match the Overdrive, or does not handle all wheel events from all sources. Do you have a small app I can test directly? Also, what happens if you disable the USB Overdrive for the specific application built with Unity3d (i.e. create app-specific settings in the USB Overdrive, then uncheck the “Enabled” checkbox)?
and my reply:
I have tested a little more, if I disable USB Overdrive for my App it works without any problems.
When enabled, the scrollwheel is not working, the trackpad is working but after using scroll on trackpad, mouse clicks in the App are gone.
I will build you a little test App tomorrow.