Does anyone else have an issue when timeline tries to transition from one Cinemachine vcam to another it freezes for a long time, eventually eating all available system RAM?
I have to force-close Unity every 5 min. This Timeline I’m working on is unusable now since all it does is eats 30gigs of ram.
I have several CM virtual cam cuts in a row one every 4 seconds. However it does this with every camera in the timeline. If you scrub to another position that has a different cam, it freezes.
I understand you’re in a crunch, so I’ll try to repro myself. I don’t quite understand your description. Can you post a full picture of your timeline, showing all the cameras?
Hi, Here are screens of everything I can think of.
It is not a complex setup. The cams are default settings.
Every camera transition (from one cam to another) caused unity to freeze, each time compounded into longer and longer freezes until all the RAM was consumed. Then unity just froze forever.
I was using the new update of Unity 2019.4.3 and had updated to the latest releases (in Package Manager) of Timeline and Cinemachine. One (or all) of these was a mistake, since I did not experience this issue before.
This was a brand new timeline created after those updates.
I had a timeline with just one vcam blending to a second vcam and it froze unity when trying to scrub timeline.
The part of the timeline where i had four vcam sequential shots in a row is what I was referring to earlier. It locked up Unity for over an hour.
We also encounter that bug here. It eats up quite some RAM, but definitely less than what Kholeslaw encountered.
The problem only arises with cinemachine in play.
Timeline in the project worked fine before. After adding cinemachine, adding a brain to the main cam, creating two virtual cams and adding those onto a cinemachine track inside a previously unproblematic timeline…things go south.
Downgrading to Cinemachine 2.5.0 seems to have fixed the issue. Issue happened with latest version of 2019.4.4.
We are checking, if we can create a project that makes things reproducable so we can send it over…will give an update for that.
I just wanted to let people know, that this can be a thing and that 2.5.0 seems to not have the issue.