SDK Build Tools Version issue for Android API in Unity 2022.3.44f1LTS

Getting the Prompt after i upgraded Unity Editor from 42f1 to 44f1:

SDK Build Tools version 32.0.0 < 34.0.0.
Note: Android Gradle Plugin can update SDK Build Tools automaticaly to a higher version than specified in build.gradle file.

When i hit as usual Update i get this error:

UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path ‘C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\2022.3.44f1\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\SDK\tempToolsDir’ is denied.

Even tho i can build fine for SDK 34 like it was in previous editor its really anoying iam getting now always a seperate popup which would throw an error when pressing update ive to always click on build use highest installed.

I move from Android Studio the build tools folder 34 to unity editor folder build tools 34. Which solved my problem.


That’s Windows permissions issue. Moving Unity installation out from Program Files could be used as a workaround. Or installing build tools using sdk manager

Shouldn’t this be streamlined by Unity Installer itself? I never used SDK Manager myself nor I want to move the Unity installation to other place. I also installed the latest 2022.3.44 and Unity is now nagging me every time I want to build for Android!

Yes, that’s the problem. Normally, when updating to a new version, Unity requests permission during installation. This time, however, nothing was prompted during the install, and I believe that’s causing the issue. You can follow my screenshots and manually upgrade the package to version 34 using Android Studio. Then, move the folder to the Unity Editor directory, making sure to match the path shown in my screenshots.

I don’t even have Android Studio :upside_down_face:

I’m also getting this error after updating to the latest version of Unity, I don’t have Android Studio either. I tried editing the unity editor folder to have open permissions, but then I get an error saying to run the SDK Manager manually because it failed to update. Running the sdkmanager.bat doesn’t do anything.

For now choosing “use the highest available” works to just complete the build, but this is a bad workaround because the newest version is needed to not get errors when targeting the newer Android versions.

Thanks for reporting the issue, looking into this.

@RubDev_RG @iMobCoding @CameronDWills

The issue seems to be now fixed. The Unity-Hub was not shipping the newer tools, and the servers needed to be refreshed.

Please, uninstall Unity 2022.3.44f1 and install it again.

Install Unity 2022.3.44f1 from Hub


I still have this problem with 2022.3.44f1

Have you reinstalled Unity 2022.3.44f1? You might need to re-open your Unity hub for the new Android tools to be fetched from the server.

Yes, I have reinstalled Unity. I will try to restart the Pc and reinstall again Unity

I’ve just installed 2022.3.44f1. It came with build tools 34.0.0

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Thank you for the information. As mentioned above, I have already fixed it myself. The added build tools from Android Studio should make no difference compared to those fetched from Unity Servers, I guess. Still, thank you for the quick response.