SDK never Initializes in Unity app with Unity Ads Mediation

I followed this tutorial: for Unity Ads Mediation and i couldn’t install admob because it couldn’t build and also adlovin because i don’t have the app live but that’s fine because i just wanted to test unity ads and ironsource but when i compile and i open the file in my phone the function onSdkInitializationCompletedEvent is never called, this is the code:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using TMPro;

public class AdsManager : MonoBehaviour
    string appKey = "1f41c9b05";
    string appKey = "unexpected_platform";
    public TextMeshProUGUI totalCoinsTxt;
    private void Start()
        print("Starting Debug");
        totalCoinsTxt.text = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("totalCoins").ToString();
        print("Initialized "+appKey);

    private void OnEnable()
        print("OnEnable Run");
        IronSourceEvents.onSdkInitializationCompletedEvent += SdkInitialized;
        print("Sdk command run");
        //Add AdInfo Banner Events
        IronSourceBannerEvents.onAdLoadedEvent += BannerOnAdLoadedEvent;
        IronSourceBannerEvents.onAdLoadFailedEvent += BannerOnAdLoadFailedEvent;
        IronSourceBannerEvents.onAdClickedEvent += BannerOnAdClickedEvent;
        IronSourceBannerEvents.onAdScreenPresentedEvent += BannerOnAdScreenPresentedEvent;
        IronSourceBannerEvents.onAdScreenDismissedEvent += BannerOnAdScreenDismissedEvent;
        IronSourceBannerEvents.onAdLeftApplicationEvent += BannerOnAdLeftApplicationEvent;

        //Add AdInfo Interstitial Events
        IronSourceInterstitialEvents.onAdReadyEvent += InterstitialOnAdReadyEvent;
        IronSourceInterstitialEvents.onAdLoadFailedEvent += InterstitialOnAdLoadFailed;
        IronSourceInterstitialEvents.onAdOpenedEvent += InterstitialOnAdOpenedEvent;
        IronSourceInterstitialEvents.onAdClickedEvent += InterstitialOnAdClickedEvent;
        IronSourceInterstitialEvents.onAdShowSucceededEvent += InterstitialOnAdShowSucceededEvent;
        IronSourceInterstitialEvents.onAdShowFailedEvent += InterstitialOnAdShowFailedEvent;
        IronSourceInterstitialEvents.onAdClosedEvent += InterstitialOnAdClosedEvent;

        //Add AdInfo Rewarded Video Events
        IronSourceRewardedVideoEvents.onAdOpenedEvent += RewardedVideoOnAdOpenedEvent;
        IronSourceRewardedVideoEvents.onAdClosedEvent += RewardedVideoOnAdClosedEvent;
        IronSourceRewardedVideoEvents.onAdAvailableEvent += RewardedVideoOnAdAvailable;
        IronSourceRewardedVideoEvents.onAdUnavailableEvent += RewardedVideoOnAdUnavailable;
        IronSourceRewardedVideoEvents.onAdShowFailedEvent += RewardedVideoOnAdShowFailedEvent;
        IronSourceRewardedVideoEvents.onAdRewardedEvent += RewardedVideoOnAdRewardedEvent;
        IronSourceRewardedVideoEvents.onAdClickedEvent += RewardedVideoOnAdClickedEvent;


    void SdkInitialized()
        print("Sdk in initialized!!");

    void OnApplicationPause(bool isPaused)

    #region banner
    public void LoadBanner()
        IronSource.Agent.loadBanner(IronSourceBannerSize.BANNER, IronSourceBannerPosition.BOTTOM);
    public void DestroyBanner()


    /************* Banner AdInfo Delegates *************/
    //Invoked once the banner has loaded
    void BannerOnAdLoadedEvent(IronSourceAdInfo adInfo)
        print("Banner Loaded Event: " + adInfo);
    //Invoked when the banner loading process has failed.
    void BannerOnAdLoadFailedEvent(IronSourceError ironSourceError)
        print("Banner Failed Event: " + ironSourceError);
    // Invoked when end user clicks on the banner ad
    void BannerOnAdClickedEvent(IronSourceAdInfo adInfo)
        print("Banner Clicked Event: " + adInfo);
    //Notifies the presentation of a full screen content following user click
    void BannerOnAdScreenPresentedEvent(IronSourceAdInfo adInfo)
        print("Banner ADScreen presented Event: " + adInfo);
    //Notifies the presented screen has been dismissed
    void BannerOnAdScreenDismissedEvent(IronSourceAdInfo adInfo)
        print("Banner screen dismissed Event: " + adInfo);
    //Invoked when the user leaves the app
    void BannerOnAdLeftApplicationEvent(IronSourceAdInfo adInfo)
        print("Banner On AD left application Event: " + adInfo);


    #region interstitial

    public void LoadInterstitial()
    public void ShowInterstitial()
        if (IronSource.Agent.isInterstitialReady())
            Debug.Log("interstitial not ready!!");

    /************* Interstitial AdInfo Delegates *************/
    // Invoked when the interstitial ad was loaded succesfully.
    void InterstitialOnAdReadyEvent(IronSourceAdInfo adInfo)
    // Invoked when the initialization process has failed.
    void InterstitialOnAdLoadFailed(IronSourceError ironSourceError)

    // Invoked when the Interstitial Ad Unit has opened. This is the impression indication. 
    void InterstitialOnAdOpenedEvent(IronSourceAdInfo adInfo)
    // Invoked when end user clicked on the interstitial ad
    void InterstitialOnAdClickedEvent(IronSourceAdInfo adInfo)
    // Invoked when the ad failed to show.
    void InterstitialOnAdShowFailedEvent(IronSourceError ironSourceError, IronSourceAdInfo adInfo)
    // Invoked when the interstitial ad closed and the user went back to the application screen.
    void InterstitialOnAdClosedEvent(IronSourceAdInfo adInfo)
    // Invoked before the interstitial ad was opened, and before the InterstitialOnAdOpenedEvent is reported.
    // This callback is not supported by all networks, and we recommend using it only if  
    // it's supported by all networks you included in your build. 
    void InterstitialOnAdShowSucceededEvent(IronSourceAdInfo adInfo)


    #region rewarded

    public void LoadRewarded()
    public void ShowRewarded()
        if (IronSource.Agent.isRewardedVideoAvailable())
            Debug.Log("rewarded not ready!!");

    /************* RewardedVideo AdInfo Delegates *************/
    // Indicates that there’s an available ad.
    // The adInfo object includes information about the ad that was loaded successfully
    // This replaces the RewardedVideoAvailabilityChangedEvent(true) event
    void RewardedVideoOnAdAvailable(IronSourceAdInfo adInfo)
    // Indicates that no ads are available to be displayed
    // This replaces the RewardedVideoAvailabilityChangedEvent(false) event
    void RewardedVideoOnAdUnavailable()
    // The Rewarded Video ad view has opened. Your activity will loose focus.
    void RewardedVideoOnAdOpenedEvent(IronSourceAdInfo adInfo)
    // The Rewarded Video ad view is about to be closed. Your activity will regain its focus.
    void RewardedVideoOnAdClosedEvent(IronSourceAdInfo adInfo)
    // The user completed to watch the video, and should be rewarded.
    // The placement parameter will include the reward data.
    // When using server-to-server callbacks, you may ignore this event and wait for the ironSource server callback.
    void RewardedVideoOnAdRewardedEvent(IronSourcePlacement placement, IronSourceAdInfo adInfo)
        int crrCoin = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("totalCoins");
        crrCoin += 100;
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("totalCoins", crrCoin);

        totalCoinsTxt.text = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("totalCoins").ToString();

    // The rewarded video ad was failed to show.
    void RewardedVideoOnAdShowFailedEvent(IronSourceError error, IronSourceAdInfo adInfo)
    // Invoked when the video ad was clicked.
    // This callback is not supported by all networks, and we recommend using it only if
    // it’s supported by all networks you included in your build.
    void RewardedVideoOnAdClickedEvent(IronSourcePlacement placement, IronSourceAdInfo adInfo)


Allright after some help i managed to get Android LogCat working, this is what it said:

2024/08/05 17:12:06.702 17475 17513 Info Unity AdsManager:Start()
2024/08/05 17:12:06.702 17475 17513 Info Unity 
2024/08/05 17:12:06.702 17475 17513 Info Unity 0
2024/08/05 17:12:06.702 17475 17513 Info Unity AdsManager:Start()
2024/08/05 17:12:06.702 17475 17513 Info Unity 
2024/08/05 17:12:06.703 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper Verifying Integration:
2024/08/05 17:12:06.703 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper *** Permissions ***
2024/08/05 17:12:06.703 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper android.permission.INTERNET - VERIFIED
2024/08/05 17:12:06.703 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - VERIFIED
2024/08/05 17:12:06.703 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper --------------- AppLovin --------------
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Verbose ironSourceSDK INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: 167407895 r8 a - isInitialized=false
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper Adapter - MISSING
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper >>>> AppLovin - NOT VERIFIED
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper --------------- APS --------------
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Verbose ironSourceSDK INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: 167407895 r8 a - isInitialized=false
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper Adapter - MISSING
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper >>>> APS - NOT VERIFIED
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper --------------- BidMachine --------------
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Verbose ironSourceSDK INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: 167407895 r8 a - isInitialized=false
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper Adapter - MISSING
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper >>>> BidMachine - NOT VERIFIED
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper --------------- Chartboost --------------
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Verbose ironSourceSDK INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: 167407895 r8 a - isInitialized=false
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper Adapter - MISSING
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper >>>> Chartboost - NOT VERIFIED
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper --------------- Fyber --------------
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Verbose ironSourceSDK INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: 167407895 r8 a - isInitialized=false
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper Adapter - MISSING
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper >>>> Fyber - NOT VERIFIED
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper --------------- Google (AdMob and Ad Manager) --------------
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Verbose ironSourceSDK INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: 167407895 r8 a - isInitialized=false
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper Adapter - MISSING
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper >>>> Google (AdMob and Ad Manager) - NOT VERIFIED
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper --------------- HyprMX --------------
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Verbose ironSourceSDK INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: 167407895 r8 a - isInitialized=false
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper Adapter - MISSING
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper >>>> HyprMX - NOT VERIFIED
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper --------------- InMobi --------------
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Verbose ironSourceSDK INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: 167407895 r8 a - isInitialized=false
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper Adapter - MISSING
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper >>>> InMobi - NOT VERIFIED
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper --------------- IronSource --------------
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper Adapter 8.2.0 - VERIFIED
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper SDK Version - 8.2.0
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper >>>> IronSource - VERIFIED
2024/08/05 17:12:06.704 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper --------------- Liftoff Monetization --------------
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Verbose ironSourceSDK INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: 167407895 r8 a - isInitialized=false
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper Adapter - MISSING
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper >>>> Liftoff Monetization - NOT VERIFIED
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper --------------- Maio --------------
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Verbose ironSourceSDK INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: 167407895 r8 a - isInitialized=false
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper Adapter - MISSING
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper >>>> Maio - NOT VERIFIED
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper --------------- Meta --------------
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Verbose ironSourceSDK INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: 167407895 r8 a - isInitialized=false
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper Adapter - MISSING
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper >>>> Meta - NOT VERIFIED
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper --------------- Mintegral --------------
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Verbose ironSourceSDK INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: 167407895 r8 a - isInitialized=false
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper Adapter - MISSING
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper >>>> Mintegral - NOT VERIFIED
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper --------------- Moloco --------------
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Verbose ironSourceSDK INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: 167407895 r8 a - isInitialized=false
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper Adapter - MISSING
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper >>>> Moloco - NOT VERIFIED
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper --------------- MyTarget --------------
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Verbose ironSourceSDK INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: 167407895 r8 a - isInitialized=false
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper Adapter - MISSING
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper >>>> MyTarget - NOT VERIFIED
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper --------------- Pangle --------------
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Verbose ironSourceSDK INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: 167407895 r8 a - isInitialized=false
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper Adapter - MISSING
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper >>>> Pangle - NOT VERIFIED
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper --------------- Smaato --------------
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Verbose ironSourceSDK INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: 167407895 r8 a - isInitialized=false
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper Adapter - MISSING
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper >>>> Smaato - NOT VERIFIED
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper --------------- SuperAwesome --------------
2024/08/05 17:12:06.705 17475 17513 Verbose ironSourceSDK INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: 167407895 r8 a - isInitialized=false
2024/08/05 17:12:06.706 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper Adapter - MISSING
2024/08/05 17:12:06.706 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper >>>> SuperAwesome - NOT VERIFIED
2024/08/05 17:12:06.706 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper --------------- UnityAds --------------
2024/08/05 17:12:06.706 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper Adapter 4.3.41 - VERIFIED
2024/08/05 17:12:06.706 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper Adapter - VERIFIED
2024/08/05 17:12:06.706 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper SDK Version - 4.12.1
2024/08/05 17:12:06.706 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper >>>> UnityAds - VERIFIED
2024/08/05 17:12:06.706 17475 17513 Info IntegrationHelper --------------- Yandex --------------
2024/08/05 17:12:06.706 17475 17513 Verbose ironSourceSDK INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: 167407895 r8 a - isInitialized=false
2024/08/05 17:12:06.706 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper Adapter - MISSING
2024/08/05 17:12:06.706 17475 17513 Error IntegrationHelper >>>> Yandex - NOT VERIFIED
2024/08/05 17:12:06.706 17475 17639 Warn IntegrationHelper --------------- Google Play Services --------------
2024/08/05 17:12:06.706 17475 17639 Info IntegrationHelper Google Play Services - VERIFIED
2024/08/05 17:12:06.706 17475 17513 Info Unity Validated
2024/08/05 17:12:06.706 17475 17513 Info Unity AdsManager:Start()
2024/08/05 17:12:06.706 17475 17513 Info Unity 
2024/08/05 17:12:06.706 17475 17513 Verbose ironSourceSDK INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: 167407895 p a
2024/08/05 17:12:06.707 17475 17513 Verbose ironSourceSDK INTERNAL: UIThread: false Activity: 167407895 p e - activity is updated to: 167407895
2024/08/05 17:12:06.707 17475 17513 Error ironSourceSDK API: Multiple calls to init without ad units are not allowed