i am in windows 8.1 unity 2017.2.1, trying to make an android game and when i try to make a build a message tell me sdk tool is outdated 0.0.0 <23.0.0 i try all the method tool v 25.25 but nothing has worked anyone can help me please.
I know this is an old post but I have recently encountered this problem and have tried many solutions including the ones above.
Surprisingly, running Unity as Administrator solved it for me. Such a simple solution.
I have found the solution download the tool 25.2.5 and open the cmd at bin folder of the tools write in the cmd sdkmanager “platform-tools” press enter and wait when it’s done write sdkmanager “platforms;android-25” wait, after write sdkmanager “build-tool;25.2.5” in unity preference the sdk path is were you have the tools exemple: desktop\sdk25.2.5 or you can follow this tutorial of french game developer here:Unity 2017 installation de la SDK Android et de la JDK Java - YouTube
Download the sdk tools 25.2.5 here:http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/tools_r25.2.5-windows.zip
PS:sorry for my bad English.
Hello there,
I followed the solutions suggested by @Paraneuf and after doing so I got another error messages saying:
SDK Tools Versions 25.2.5 < 26.1.1
So then I opened Android Studio Settings and checked the default Android SDK Tools versions available and realized that the 25.2.5 version wasn’t downloaded yet (previous error message was: Required API Level 26 so I downloaded through that version)
And then I got the error “failed to sign APK” again… so it was wasted time.
,@Peru_Tuning did you find a solution??
problem fixed here : sdk tool version 0.0 26.1.1 | android sdk is outdated unity - YouTube