Problem that I have encountered, when GI bake, like this line comes into boundary line of UV piece. This problem is what my misconfiguration, Or is a known bug?
I thank you for your reply.Yes,I checked “Generate Lightmap UVs”.And it will not be improved even to test the various ways.
Could you please report a bug with this mesh attached? I’ll check it out
I have reported this bug.Case 686686.
I am making things complicated shapes using the Unity. GI joint of will to ruin them. The reported mesh is what made with 3dsmax, but also occur, such as spheres made with Unity. I am looking forward to early resolution
I think some explanations are in order. Seams are present on all the objects due to the representation in 2d.
With cube it’s really simple and you get edges on the cube edges, so they aren’t visible:
But with sphere, it’s impossible as it doesn’t have any edges. There are many ways how cutout sphere, but for our primitive we use one which would limit the amount of seams to minimum:
So for your teapot or any other mesh which has spherical surfaces, try playing with UV settings, especially angle, or simply create UV yourself to match where you would like those seams to be.
So for example, after trying few values with a teapot I found this quite presentable:
I thank you for your kind reply.
If made of UV seams and I understand that it is possible to avoid the phenomenon. I really want to know is is absolutely the case that there is UV seams, whether it can be so inconspicuous it in Unity system. teapot is an example. In the case of a simple shape, I will be able somehow to hide the UV seams, something more complex, large-scale scene, is it is difficult in that case to avoid the UV problem.
Did you try creating UVs yourself in modelling software and when simply using those instead of Unity generated ones? There is option to preserve UVs from a model
Preserve UVs doesn’t work right most of the time. I mean it does, but the packing algorithm after the fact, considers hard edges in the model as discontinuities in the UVs, so it breaks continuous UVs into separate islands.
It would work pretty well for the teapot example though, since there are not a lot of hard edges.
It is one of the way. I am making a UV set 2 actually for light map in 3dsmax.
But we thought that it is not the ultimate solution. Because there is always seam somewhere. In my company, we use automated deployment tools such as Flaton for UV deployment of light map. This is the same as the Unity of UV automatic deployment.
So, even if they are not connected is UV piece and piece, I want to make light map of the gradient is not interrupted
This post explains a major unresolved issue Unity has with packing lightmaps:
This is a major issue for anyone who wishes to use baked lighting esp. for mobile dev.