Search by stacktrace - as in old version


it looks like the old version vanished from the performance reporter (I keep getting redirected to the new one).

I am missing the ability to search by string present in the stack trace. It is very practical when trying to guess if a particular code area is problematic.

How can I do that in the new interface? If I can’t, can I get the old interface back?



Sorry for the confusion! This is possible with the new interface. You’ll need to add a filter at the top, choose “Keyword” and then enter the term you’d like to search for in the second box. Then hit “Apply” and it will search all your reports for that keyword across all fields, including the stack trace.


@emilyn_unity3d it doesn’t work (as good as it used to?)
3762082--313816--Screen Shot 2018-10-08 at 11.49.05 AM.png

3762082--313819--Screen Shot 2018-10-08 at 11.48.59 AM.png

@emilyn_unity3d ping? :slight_smile: