Hello there! I want to search for an Object in Objects with the same Tag who has the highes / largestt y-coordinates in the scene.
I know i could do it with put the objects when they spawn in an array and then ckeck with loops the highest position, but may there is a better way and smoother way.
I need this because my Camera needs to go move up on the y-coordinates if the objects pile and become more and more higher, other hints for my solutions would be great aswell. 
Ty for reading and coming answers, excuse my bad english.
Well, something is going to have to iterate through the objects in question and find the one with the largest Y value. You should be able to find the objects in question using something like:
GameObject[] gos = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("yourTag");
Then, just spin through the objects in the returned array and find the one you’re interested in.
Alternatively, you could probably use some LINQ to get what you want. Caution - typed directly into the forum and completely untested…
GameObject go = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("yourTag")
.OrderByDescending(go => go.transform.position.y).First();
If you choose to use some LINQ, you’ll need to add a “using System.Linq;” to the top of your file.