Search for symbols in a picture, and put another at the same place

Hi unity experts!
I’m starting a new project and I’m not sure of how to work on this.

I want unity to search for a pattern, a symbol (like a QR code for exemple) in a photo, not a video… (Maybe using Baracooda/TensorFlow and Vulforia ? But I didn’t see a thing about photos in vulforia, and baracooda is very new…)

and from a library of picture (in the ressources folder for exemple) to place a game object in that place. It would be awesome if I could use something to warp around the borders, but the plugin that does this is not available anymore…

How would you guys go about it ?
Thank you a lot for your time, and responses !

What if you just use a special pixel? Like full brightness magenta, that is unlikely to appear in your photos. Then you can easily just search pixel by pixel and find instances of that key color to place your object.

Or is this like an AR project?

It’s not AR; but it’s more like google draw

It could recognize the symbol from a photo, or from a digital sketch for exemple… but what you said it’s still a great thought what you said, just not what I’m searching for, thank you