Search is broken

I wanted to install an asset titled “RPG Fantasy (Pack)”. But this is what the package manager presented me when I searched for the title, see screenshot. Even putting the search string into quotes didn’t work and would only list me the single 1 asset I expected. I even had to press the “All” button to see all packages because by default the package manager only lists the first 25 of my assets.

At this point in package manager life one might expect a working search functionality. This can’t be “by design”. Please fix. Thank you!

Here’s a screenshot:

The search for e. g. protofactor still doesn’t work:

One has to enter “protofactor inc” in order to get any result, which is just as broken as it is on the Asset Store.

@UnityMaru Tagging you because the search for protofactor (and others) is also broken on the Asset Store website. Always has been, but it would be nice to get a fix.

Actually all with multiple words is broken. Another example with the dwarves above: “Maksim” can’t be found on the Asset Store website. Only “Maksim Bugrimov” can be found. And so on.

@UnityMaru The search on the Asset Seore for e. g. “Enviro” doesn’t work either. It doesn’t show any results. One has to search for “Enviro Sky”

Hi Rowlan,

The search is purely backend (Asset Store). Adding double-quotes does not do anything more. The fantasy keyword adds much more packages to the result. The same search on the Asset Store website should return the same results in My Assets window.

I agree with you double-quotes should do an exact match. I will relay your comment to the Asset Store team.

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I suspected that those are linked. However that doesn’t change the fact that it’s broken.

Search for the protofactor assets by using the publisher’s first name:

Only “protofactor inc” gives me what I search for:


@hbonin how would you search for this publisher in order to get any search results?

Because none of the names match a search result on the Asset Store. Neither the full publisher name copy/pasted.

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