I am trying to find something like a list of syntax you can use when searching in windows 10 explorer and unity.
For instance, if I type *thing, that says to search for the word anywhere it is included. There is a couple other things I’d like to know how to do, like a command for “also include”, if that’s possible. So if I am trying to find some textures for instance, and I want to find both the body and the head textures but they are coming from two different directories, I could search for “bobsHead and also janesBody.”
This seems like computer 101 stuff but I can’t find much about it and dont know the correct terminology to search.
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
Is there any reason you can’t search them one at a time?
If you have the name you can type it into the search bar on the top-right in the File Explorer. Are you trying to search for something other than the name?
yeah i can search one at a time, it’s just a bit slower is all.
The problem with searching both is that you could get either. In terms of the time it takes it’s better to just have two File Explorers open at once.
That said…
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thanks @EternalAmbiguity .
i didnt explain very well. in this case, its sort of like i want to apply two filters at the same time. So that I can search through two directories at same time. It seems trivial, but when i am doing this over and over its just a small thing that saves some time and effort. I figured there is probably all sorts of commands I just dont know about.
just the word OR in all caps with spacing is the answer, found in the second link. Thanks!
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