Searching for dependencies takes 15 minutes to load

Hi there,

This is my very first forum post ever (apart from replies) so I hope this is the correct subforum.
With our project whenever I try to use the dependencies search to find missing references it always takes at least 15 minutes to load all of the dependency indexes.

The search query I use is dep: is:missing which fully freezes the editor for at least 15 minutes. Afterwards its extremely fast because I’m assuming the dependencies have been loaded into ram.

Is this something that has been misconfigured on our end? We do have quite a large project so that also doesn’t help. If there’s any information I can provide, please let me know. For now I’ve included the indexes we use in our project.

9473209--1331545--upload_2023-11-15_16-16-1.png 9473209--1331548--upload_2023-11-15_16-16-8.png 9473209--1331551--upload_2023-11-15_16-16-16.png

It’s probably the correct forum, but I’m not super familiar with dependency searching. There is an official thread in the Editor Workflows sub-forum of this forum about the Experimental Dependency Viewer package that I remember skimming, and I wonder if it is related. Does this have anything to do with your situation?

Experimental Dependency Viewer page-2#post-9272331
(Make sure to also read the post two down from this one.)

We do have the issue that indexing the entire project takes roughly 20-30 minutes whenever a full reindexation has to be done. Specifically the asset index takes that long, the rest is only a couple of minutes. But due to this already taking a while I have some colleagues that don’t want to index because it takes up too many of their system resources. But I’d say that’s a separate issue from the one I’m referring to. As the dependency search only freezes the editor whenever you do a search requiring the dependency indexes. And since it does that on the main thread it fully locks up the editor.