Second Editor Theme Iteration feedback

It’s getting there!

Still an issue:

Text should not have so much space inside of what context contains it:

Here, the text struggles to belong inside the context. This is fixed with more space between contexts and less space inside contexts.

Applicable to infobox and dropdown (everything actually). The space inside should be less than the space outside: this way, at a glance, you can see what belongs where. Alternative options are using the space inside the context better to add a touch more shadow or highlight, or just making those contexts smaller and more snuggled / or make text bigger, even. The contexts have a huge amount of room inside…

I am assuming it’s wiggle room in case you have an option for larger fonts, but it does slightly impact the ideal design for a majority in my view.

If that’s the case it could be space that could have a touch more shading so it feels less like the text is floating above it or even rattling around.

TLDR? Text still does not feel like it belongs inside the various contexts.


I will hijack this thread for my feedback as well, hope it’s ok :slight_smile: .

I want to point out first that I like the direction the new look is heading, it has definitely more modern feeling to it. However since this is probably the only UI refresh we are going to get in a long while, I think it’s much more important to tackle some of the biggest issue to me, not only changing the fonts and icons.

My problem is, there is SO MUCH dead space in the editor it’s unacceptable. It is a visual tool and we should strive to reclaim as much space for meaningful data as possible.

Let me demonstrate, lets see how much dead space we have in the Inspector - marked by red square:

And another one from the comparison screenshot:

Those precious pixels could be spent displaying component data in more readable fashion. For now it’s just a bloat.

Looking at the editor in general it desperately needs rearrangement to reclaim the dead space, I combined it in single screenshot:

The problems I see in this single shot:

  • The tools components are entirely meaningless outside of scene context. There is no point of displaying them, because they are usable only when navigating and working with the scene view, they should be moved to the scene window to enable other tabs take over the space.

  • It’s 2019 and Unity is still using stock Windows menu bars, with around 40 pixels of deadspace between the menus and the control buttons. At least get rid of the title bar already, and combine it with the menu bar

  • Collab/Account/Cloud buttons - I rarely user them and I imagine someone who is using those tools uses them once day at max. What is the point of displaying those buttons all the time? I propose to at minimum move them few pixels up over unused menu bar space or just remove them entirely, or combine into button

  • Project view - another example of wasted pixels. Add button could be moved next to "Project, and the filter controls could be moved to the folder header. Or remove folder header entirely, there is a large dead horizontal line dedicated just to a silly title bar. Doing some rearrangement we could save another 20px for some meaningful content

Those are only few issues spotted in this single screenshot.

I’m not advocating to cramp everything altogether, but rather just remove some dead spacing. I assume it’s reminiscence of poor layout driven by panels and tables but in 2019 we should no longer see any editor space wasted for meaningless spacers with no content.


Thanks for the feedback. We’re taking note and listening :). We’re doing the UI refresh in stages because of the magnitude of the changes and the ripple effects. 2019.3 is the first step towards a longer-term UX vision that we have for Unity. Your suggestions on how to address “dead space” resonate with us and it’s something we definitely want to address as every pixel matters in a productivity / content creation tool. We just have to balance our aspirations with feasibility for each release. We will definitely continue to evolve the UI beyond 2019.3, though…

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In my opinion the space on the left is okay ,otherwise the interface will look too much cluttered

Thank you @ks3d_unity for this response.

I’m very happy you are looking at the big picture, and it’s understandable you require multiple releases to deliver improvements in UI in general.

Keep up the good work!

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I understand this is not a simple thing to do, but I would be really happy if Unity supported dark-theme single-line toolbar, as in VS2019 / VSCode / Photoshop. Did Unity explore possility of tackling this?

Hi SirIntruder. Thanks for the suggestion. Could you elaborate on what a single-line toolbar is? A screenshot would be very helpful as well. Thanks!

Sorry for being imprecise - by “toolbar”, I meant having menu bar and title bar combined into one line, and having it match current theme color. “Two lines vs one line” is more of a minor thing, what is offensive to the eye is white toolbar on a dark theme. Compare how title bar looks in unity:

to how it looks in photoshop
or vscode

VS2017 had dark theme title bar, in VS2019 they further combined it with menu bar to save space

From my understanding, people accomplish this by hiding native title bar and doing menu bar themselves, so I know it’s not something that can be fixed easily


Thanks for clarifying. We agree that this would be a great improvement and it’s something we’re investigating.


Is there plans on adding few more editor attributes to help streamline the workflow, especially the few helpful attributes from odin inspector and serializer ,like the list attributes and the tabs attributes,you should take a look at that in my opinion:)


Very much agreed also, even if windows only, because the most users by far are on windows boxes.

I cannot download the modules the page is giving me an error.
Page URL:


Access denied.

Anonymous caller does not have storage.objects.get access to publishing-unity-binaries-prd/1a67509f062d/TargetSupportInstaller/UnitySetup-Windows-Support-for-Editor-2019.2.0a5.exe.

By the way, the new theme is awesome.

Please open a separate thread for your issue. Thank you.

Done, Check this thread:-

Quick note about a bug I discovered while trying to update one of my tool’s editors ( hopefully this is the right place to post this! lol )

Not sure if this is fixed yet but It looks like EditorGUILayout.TextArea is broken in 2019.3.0a3. It always stays as a single line and doesn’t appear able to become multi-line.

Example Code snippet:

dialogText = EditorGUILayout.TextArea( dialogText, GUILayout.MinHeight(60) );

This would usually result in a multi-line text field in previous versions but it stays locked as a single line field in the current build. This is currently preventing me from getting my tools ready for 2019.3! :slight_smile:


I’m getting the above issue too. Also happens with the TextArea attribute. 2019.3.0a4 (Windows)

Really like the decision of using the inter font. Sadly the font seems to have some really ugly kerning problems on Windows with HighDPI Settings:

Unity 2019.3.0b4
Windows 10 Pro 1903
Display: LG 27UD58P 3840 x 2160
Windows Scale and Layout: 175%

Other than that I really like the new take on UI.


Indeed, it gets really bad on macs! But this is something Unity can address by creating a fixed version of the font I guess!

Hurray, I’m not the only one who is struck by bad kerning. :smile:

Yes, this should be very fixable, that’s why I felt the urge to point it out. I do think however that the problem does not lie within the kerning and hinting of the font, but rather the font rendering engine of Unity. I use the new font ( on my website and I really like how well balanced it is and I didn’t encounter any of those problems in the browsers. On the other hand, I really don’t know how the internal processing of the font happens, so might be necessary to change the font to meet the needs of unitys rendering.

United we stand! :smile:

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