secondary camera (ignore scene lighting)

is there a way to ignore the lighting or to replace the lighting on a 2nd camera? ive got a dark map and obviously the camera im using as a minimap cam is pretty black except for the occasional flicker of light, i was hoping theres a way to add a directional light and only have it display on the 1 cam, but i cant seem to find anything about it

any help is much appreciated

ive enclosed a pic of the problem34634-minimapimage.png

Minimaps created this way which need to appear somehow different are ideal candidates for RenderWithShader. Just render your minimap cam with shaders that ignore lighting.

If you really want to avoid that approach, you could disable all normal lights, enable a special “minimap light” (or change the ambient lighting), render your mini-map cam, then re-enable normal lights - all in the OnPreRender / OnPostRender methods of your minimap cam.

RenderWithShader worked a charm, took me a little while to go thru the manual page but got it too work in the end, thanks very much for your help, its much appreciated for a newbie like myself getting clear and concise answers thank you again