SecurityException: No valid crossdomain policy available to allow access

I am getting

SecurityException: No valid crossdomain policy available to allow access

When i am trying to call a webservice in Unity3D 3.5 version but the same code was working in Unity3d 4.0 version, below is the code.

var www : WWW = new WWW ("webservice");
		yield www;
	    var dataString = www.text;

I have already googled and found this link which explains that this has been implemented in version 3.0, is this has been revoked in version 4.

Please let me know how can i override this work on development enviornment

The security policy is the same between versions 3.x and 4.x. To connect to a “remote” machine you’ll need to have a crossdomain.xml file on the remote machine, as is mentioned in the link you posted to the docs. The exception you get says this xml file could not be fetched.