Seeking assistance with research regarding my talk on Customer Services for Unite LA in November!

Hi there!

My names Tom and I currently work in the Tier 1 Support team. Unity recently accepted a request of mine to present a talk at Unite LA around the developer/customer relationship in how positive customer engagement can be both rewarding in terms of popularity and in sales.

This is purely for my own benefit in understanding how you lovely, awesome Asset Store/game devs provide user support on a daily basis. For this talk, I am very keen to hear from all types of developers in all skill fields. If you are a new developer trying to get known or someone who is hugely successful, I would love to hear from you in the form of a questionnaire I have put together.

I must stress that this poll is not an official Unity one (basically, all the information you provide is to me and me only - I will not be sharing my results with anyone inside Unity). This is also set out so you can remain anonymous if you would like to.

Please feel free to put as much information in as you can, as this would really help me for my talk. Also, sharing it with your fellow developer friends would also be lovely!

If you have any other questions, please e-mail me at Otherwise, you can find a link to the poll below.