Seems nothing installed properly

I am brand new to Unity and game development. I have had issues beginning at installation. Unity Hub was installed with no problem but when it was time to install Unity Editor, I got a validation failed error and had to install it manually. Once the Editor was installed I opened the AR Sample project and everything seemed fine. Before starting work on my project I wanted to make sure everything would work properly, so I followed a tutorial for Unity Remote on Android to make sure I could debug on my phone. Nothing appears on my phone and the “Debug via USB” option is enabled in the developer mode. Tried to “Build and Run” to manually put the APK on the phone and I got a ton of errors.

I have no idea where to start with this and I really need help from someone who knows this world to guide me through the setup properly. Once that’s done I can maybe struggle through the project with some YouTube videos, but until then I’m stuck.

It would be very helpful if I could do a Zoom call with someone

not to curb your enthusiasms but unity + android combo rarely works smoothly the first time you try it. there are a lot of thing that could get wrong.

start by searching for the errors you’ve got to find some solutions

but even better, try learning unity by itself for some time before attempting to throw in the android part.