Select a boolean from an array

Hi, iv made a Boolean array and filled it with 4 bools. However I don’t know how to select the random bool which has been chosen. This is my code:
manipsList = new bool[] {upsideDown, screenShrink, bottomRising, topFalling }; int index = Random.Range(0, manipsList.Length); Debug.Log(manipsList[index] + " has been selected");
I’m not sure how to select the random one selected. In my game one of the when one of the manipulators is chosen it alters the game world. Thanks for any help!

What you’re looking for is an enum type.

enum Manips { upsideDown, screenShrink, bottomRising, topFalling }
Manips selection = (Manips)Random.Range(0, Enum.GetNames(typeof(Manips)).Length);
Debug.Print(selection .ToString());

// in the manipulation code:

    case Manips.upsideDown:
        // do something
    case Manips.screenShrink:
        // do something

    // etc...