I wrote this script that draws a box on the screen with the mouse, like RTS games.
How can I select every object that is inside this box?
In other words, how can I access these objects and change their variables?
#pragma strict
var MenuSkin : GUISkin;
private var clickPosX : float;
private var clickPosY : float;
private var CurPosX : float;
private var CurPosY : float;
private var drawing : boolean;
function Update() {
drawing = true;
clickPosX = Input.mousePosition.x;
clickPosY = Input.mousePosition.y;
CurPosX = Input.mousePosition.x;
CurPosY = Input.mousePosition.y;
drawing = false;
function OnGUI() {
GUI.skin = MenuSkin;
if(drawing && clickPosX != CurPosX)
GUI.Box (Rect (clickPosX, Screen.height - clickPosY, CurPosX - clickPosX, Screen.height - CurPosY - (Screen.height - clickPosY)), "");