I need some help with an interface problem. I have an interior scene with many objects in however when i go to click on an object, the tendacy is for the largest object behind the object i clicked on to become selected (usually the wall or floor), which is making it near impossible for me to select the actual object I want.
For example:
I have a chair in a room up against a wall. I go to click the chair and the wall behind it is selected instead.
With so many objects though its making it very difficult to arange or adjust the obects currently in the scene.
Does anybody have any idea why it is doing this and if there is some workaround to fixing it?
Unity uses a selection system which prefers certain objects and also has some padding around them to make it easier to select certain things. This should actually be very handy, unless you have a very unlucky configuration of just too many objects.
One solution:
Put your objects on Layers. Even if you don’t need those logical groups in game, you can use them in the editor, because at the top right there is a drop down which allows you to lock certain layers or make them invisible.
You also might be able to hide certain objects by hiding their Gizmos (Scene view menu tab has a Gizmos button to disable certain types), which is equivalent to toggling a components drop down arrow in the inspector. If you toggle, say, the Camera component on the Main Camera, the selection preference will be lower on that component.
I recently had the exact same problem like the question described, really annoying, I thought something went wrong with Unity so I uninstall and re-install Unity with no luck, problem remained the same. then I remembered when Unity editor affected by some mystery dark force and acting weird like this, a big chance is there is something wrong with the custom layout, So I change the layout back to any built-in layout ( the drop down menu on the upper right corner ), problem solved. simple and easy. I can select the tiniest rock in the scene without any problem.
This is kinda late since the question was back in 2015, but better late than never I guess. hope this trick could help someone.
Can’t you just select objects from the Scene Heirarchy, rather than the Scene View window? If you can’t find the object easily in your heirarchy, you need to tidy-up and organise it, using empty GameObjects as folders and things. E.g., a seperate empty for NPCs, icons, loot, trees and plants, ground, walls etc.