Selectable / Button Redesign

So I am unhappy with the current selectable, button and other interactable objects. They are lacking a lot of features that I think are really useful. To that end I want to build new versions for my game Nowhere Prophet. As usual I’ll probably put those online as well, so before I got started I thought I’d ask and see what featres you guys think are missing in the Selectables/Buttons.

Happy to help out.
Would you consider adding them as part of the UI extensions project, to try and keep all the good UI components in one place?

Or are to planning to sell them as an new UI asset?

Not sure if I’ll sell them - depends on how much work they end up being.

This is the final outgrowth of that “extending the selectable” discussion we had a while back. I’ve played around with it a few weeks back and got something working, but it was ugly and terrible and so I put it aside and continued collecting requirements. Now I have so many that extending selectable is a terrible idea and I’ll just copy it in a new class and work from there. Making new derivatives for button, toggle etc. as needed.

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Ended up working on it till 4AM last night. Made some good progress and I’m pretty happy with the result so far…

Now I need to copy the various interactive elements and parent them of my new SharkSelectable

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No worries, no pressure :smile: If your willing, you know the project would love to host them :smile:

Still feeling bit iffy about duplicating so much code…

I get that all the time with the UI Extensions project. I try to keep it at a minimum, but in some cases it’s unavoidable when you are trying to replace stuff that isn’t replaceable in the API

Yeah. I think the API is just not well designed in some places. I think stuff like “button” and “selectable” should be two seperate components - that way you could still have buttons but use a different selectable component forex. The fact that functionality and visuals are so tightly coupled is a bit uncomfortable…