Selectable MultiLine Input in Scrollarea = broken af

You want to use a text component that allows OS operations like ‘just’ selecting it,(where the copy operation just ignores the rich text)… no that ain’t supported.

You have to use a input field… and link it to a text component… whereby you get the best of both crap unity ugui implementations.

For this complaint case I’ve got the input field set to multi line, and that only shows the selected text properly SO LONG as you don’t have that text component in a scroll area with a mask… because otherwise you will see that the text selections go completely off from what you actually see on screen… iif you/user decides to adjust the scrollbar from the default position, you can no longer select what you see, but what is still at the bottom of the scrollbar… the behavior is so weird that no screenshot rightly shows just how bad this is.

(FYI the rich text bit not being supported makes no damn difference to this selection issue not working with scrollarea… its broken full stop)

And seriously 4.6 since the UGUI implementation soo many issues unfinished areas of this system, when are we going to see major ugui improvements, I know I can’t expect windows level quality to gui controls both in code and design and the finer nuances, but Unity’s ugui components really are a mess to use with so many shortcomings it pisses me off.

And who the duuuuk makes mousewheel up/down events for a scrollbar that only move things by 1pixel per notch movement a time?? who1?!!

So you have to implement your own damn mousewheel up/down support for a scrollbar its a joke…why even implement it if you aren’t going to do it properly, it should be configurable in the scrollbar component already. I know this engine is designed for primarily mobile it seems (ie scrollarea supports drag up/down over the ui for touch scrolling with options on that) but at least consider the pc/mac/linux desktop users.

I believe that they did it this way to make it so “generic” that it worlds on mobie and all kinds of things that doesnt heave a scroll wheel but where other issues are present.

Well you basically cannot have a multiline inputput field with selectable text in a scrollarea that works…it goes to 100% broken the moment you scroll irregardless of platform.