Selected texture format 'ARGB 16 bit' for platform 'DefaultTexturePlatform' is not valid with the cu

Whenever I try to bake lighting I get the following error:

Selected texture format ‘ARGB 16 bit’ for platform ‘DefaultTexturePlatform’ is not valid with the current texture type ‘Default’.

I don’t know exactly what it means. I’m guessing I have a texture somewhere in my project set to ARGB 16 bit and I need to change it to something else, but that’s just a guess. I did some searching and found other people posting the same problem elsewhere but I cannot find a fix to it. If it is a texture that I need to change, is there an easy way to find that specific texture in a massive project? I tried searching for “Texture” in the project hierarchy but that only returns a huge list of folders labelled Textures and there are way too many of them to search through manually thanks to all the asset packages I’ve downloaded.

Edit: We’re able to get around this issue by using Baked Indirect lighting instead of Shadowmask. If we find a more proper solution we’ll post it here for anyone who finds this and isn’t okay with Baked Indirect lighting in their game.


I’m facing the same…and the baking never seems to stop. I’m listening to what you find :slight_smile:

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I have the same issue… The only workaround as mentioned is using Indirect lighting as lighting method. If I find a better solution I’ll post here

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I got the same issue and I found that the generated texture called “Lightmap-0_comp_shadowmask” has no valid format in the Inspector. There is an error message just below this parameter.

Same… apparently it’s a known issue that just hasn’t been fixed… as a temp workaround to get rid of the error for now, unchecking ‘Compress Lightmaps’ does the trick:

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Facing the same issue here, the problem is the shadowmask lightmap texture that has been generated. A solution I figured out for now is to select the “android Icon” as default texture platform in the inspector window (P.S developing for android)

2020/01/04, Unity 2019.3.0f3, and the bug is still there :S
Is there any way to automate applying the correct setting to the texture?
Also which is the correct format for it?

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You can use the AssetPostprocessor for auto setting texture platform setting.

Yup, bug is still here.
If it is not a bug, someone should remove it from the console.
If it is still meant to be seen but does nothing, put it in warnings.


2019.2.18.f1 user here - I can confirm that this bug is still present. I can’t tell if it has any implications beyond that error message though.

bump 2019.3.3f1


same here!


You can just set the Lightmap-0_comp_shadowmask.png format to “automatic” in the Inspector after all.

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Hello guys! I think I found a really useful blog to show that we have chance to avoid this bug. We can turn off the “Compress Lightmaps” in the Lightmapping Settings which in the lighting component;