Selection Saving Script....

I’m having a problem when trying to acces a “dontDestroyOnLoad” game object script.

After loading the new level the gameObject apears but i can’t acces the script in it.

the scenario is the following:

Scene A = Player choses a track
track info sucesfully stored in “SelectionSave” script atached to SelectionSaveObject.
SelectionSaveObject <— DontDestroyOnLoad

Scene B = Player choses a vehicle
“SelectionSave” script doesn’t work anymore.

Heres the Code:

static var Track :  int;
static var NextScreen = false;
static var Vehichle : int;
static var Go : boolean = false ;

function Awake () {
DontDestroyOnLoad (this);


function Update () {

if (NextScreen){
Application.LoadLevel (3);
if (Go){
Application.LoadLevel (Track);
if (Input.GetKey ("escape")){
Application.Quit ();


var IsTrack1 = false;
var IsTrack2 = false;
var IsBack = false;

function Start () 
	GameObject.Find ("Track1").renderer.enabled = false;
	GameObject.Find ("Track2").renderer.enabled = false;

function OnMouseEnter () 

	if (IsTrack1)
			renderer.material.color =;
			GameObject.Find ("Track1").renderer.enabled = true;
	if (IsTrack2)
			renderer.material.color =;
			GameObject.Find ("Track2").renderer.enabled = true;
	if (IsBack)
			renderer.material.color =;

function OnMouseUp ()
	if (IsTrack1)
			SelectionSave.Track = 4;
			SelectionSave.NextScreen = true;
	if (IsTrack2)
			SelectionSave.Track = 5;
			SelectionSave.NextScreen = true;
	if (IsBack)
			SelectionSave.Track = 6;
			SelectionSave.NextScreen = true;

function OnMouseExit ()

			renderer.material.color = Color.white;
		    GameObject.Find ("Track1").renderer.enabled = false;
			GameObject.Find ("Track2").renderer.enabled = false;


var DodgeRamPrefab : Transform;
var IsDodgeRam = false;
var IsBack = false;

function Start () 

function OnMouseEnter () 

	if (IsDodgeRam)
			renderer.material.color =;
			Instantiate (DodgeRamPrefab, GameObject.Find ("SpawnPoint").transform.position, Quaternion (0,180,0,0));
	if (IsBack)
			renderer.material.color =;

function OnMouseUp ()
	if (IsDodgeRam){
	Debug.Log ("Game Should be loading now");
	SelectionSave.Go = true;

function OnMouseExit ()

			renderer.material.color = Color.white;
		    Destroy (GameObject.Find ("DodgeRamSelection(Clone)"));

I have even try putting a simple function to quit the applicaton by pressing escape and nothing happens. Is like the script isn’t active.

Thx in advance.

I just realized… The problem is that the Game Time freezes or something like that :?

If you somewhere set Time.timeScale to zero, your script will indeed stop working as that means no more Update calls.

Hi, thx for replying. I also thought it was a time stamp problem, but wasn´t :S

I re writed the code and it worked. im not sure what was exactly the problem.
the things i changed where the script atached to the persistent object named with out a capital at the begining. and i didn’t declare and initialized static variables at once. Anthow i think the problem was with the boolean variables.
