Selection window problems

We are having problems using the selection window (when selecting textures, meshes and other stuff). We have to many assets so the window does not fit the screen (1600x1200). In most cases drag and drop works fine but not in all. So currently we have to use multiple monitors and stretch the screen on both of them. So my question is are there anyway that we can disable the selection window and get a normal file browsing interface?


What do you mean by “selection window”? Are you talking about the pop-up menu that appears when selecting references in the Inspector pane, do you mean the Project pane? Or the Inspector pane itself?

And what do you mean by “normal” file browsing?

Yes I mean the reference selector in the Inspector. This menu is used in lots of places. For instance when selecting textures for terrain splatting or selecting material for a mesh renderer. With normal I meant like a standard windows or mac “open file” dialogue where you can browse your files (resources).

I’m just confused because most of my resources aren’t visible on the screen when I open this menu. They doesn’t fit and there is no support for scrolling the menu what I can see.


I agree.

This is one of the few design flaws IMO for the current editor.

I have the same issue that you’ve described regularly, and it has been on my list of things to comment on at some point.

Unity really needs a ‘browser’ window similar to UnrealEd, Radiant, etc.

I ended up deleting (cleaning up) textures in order to see ones that I needed to access.

yep, we have the same problem.
I just posted a similar question before finding this thread. is there a solution yet ?