How do you have a button remove itself after use? When clicked an action is performed and the button is no longer needed.
How do you have a button remove itself after use? When clicked an action is performed and the button is no longer needed.
what i do is create a empty game object name it button assign the button script to it create a variable and then add a bit of code like = false;
you have to remember to make the boollean true at start in a separate script.
How are you displaying your button? If it’s being shown via GUI.Button() then you can have a variable that is checked and either draws the button or not:
// Untested forum code
var ShowButton = true;
function OnGUI () {
if (ShowButton) {
if (GUI.Button(Rect(...), "Hello")) {
// Do something here...
ShowButton = false;
Alternatively you can have a script with your OnGUI code attached to a separate and unique game object and then do as recommended above (disable the game object) as that will also “hide” the button from view.
Excellent, that’s exactly what I needed. The only difference to how I actually implemented it, the flag is set elsewhere.