I want prefab A add some other prefabs of A. So what I usually do is drag&drop prefab A link to prefab A public variable. The problem is when I add prefabs by that link, it adds not a new prefab A, but prefab which already exists in scene (because variable of prefab contains link to owner of variable(itself) not to original prefab). So can I make a variable which will contain a link to same type of prefab but not to it’s copy?
Solved - http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/reference-to-prefab-changing-to-clone-self-reference.57312/
Neither nested, nor circular prefabs are officially supported by Unity, which is a great shame. There are third party solutions like NestedPrefabs, PrefabEvolution, etc. What you can always do is bypass the Unity’s limited (no nesting) instantiation mechanism and create your own with code. Then go on and do nesting, cycles, etc.