SellerDetail Doesn't open

What I am trying to achieve is a simple “rate us” button triggering the page on which the game will be submitted.
The nearest thing I could find was:


This doesn’t work and doesn’t open the Tizen Store of the seller. Actually this doesn’t do anything at all. Tried checking and ticking all the Capabilities from the player settings, still nothing.

Is there any way to get to the game page for player rating, like we can do this on Android:


It seems that we have not implemented handling of tizenstore URLs. Is “tizenstore://SellerDetail/xxxxxxxxxx” the correct syntax that Samsung recommends? Just asking because I don’t personally know.

Could you file a bug requesting this functionality?

Thanks for the quick reply.

Just filed a bug. Case 759132.

Still, I’d say, the solution I aimed for is not perfect, as it’d take us to the store front of the seller and not the game page itself. Maybe we need to add the game id or something similar? No idea as I couldn’t find any relevant info…

The following image is a snap from the Tizen Seller page:


Thanks for the bug report! I may have this implemented now but I haven’t tested it yet.

I was doing a little research and I might have found a document that would be helpful to you.

OK, this is all native Tizen code…
Are you suggesting to make a plugin out of it?

Just tried:


Didn’t work.

Oh no no. I was just showing it as a resource for the URI syntax. I’ll need to test the fix and try get it into future updates. Perhaps a patch release.

Ah… Thanks mate! For now I’ll have to disable the button for rating I guess. Thanks again for confirming that this doesn’t work at the moment.