Can I sell a game made ONLY using FREE ASSETS from the Unity asset store?
Please let me know. Thanks,
Can I sell a game made ONLY using FREE ASSETS from the Unity asset store?
Please let me know. Thanks,
Here is the EULA for the asset store:
You would have maybe to go through each and every assets you use to check if the author has provided conditions. You should be able to use them and sell your game but they might ask you some conditions like mentioning their name somewhere or not modifying the asset.
Look at the agreements for the assets you’re using, see if the agreement says that you can use those assets for commercial products.
well in contract law, a contract is only valid if it has full disclosure. So by the creaters not disclosing any information about it, you cant be in breach of T&C or a contract. However this begs a moral question. Do you bite the hand that feeds?
the entertainment comunity tends to look badly on idea or creative theft, so if your wanting to be a serious designer, perhaps its not the best idea. But the choice is yours
According to unity support in the link Below :
Yes You can purchase assets from the Asset Store and use them personally and commercially in your game.
You can also use free assets in your game for commercial use.
You cannot resell the asset, or include it in an asset type product.