Hey, not sure where exactly to put this, as this isn’t an Asset Store related thing.
A couple of months back I created a PC application with Unity to help people visually create Violin songs,
think of Guitar Hero, except you can actually place the notes where you want, etc.
Despite having survey reviews of how useful it could be, I can’t afford to keep paying for advertising for something that hasn’t had a single sale.
Every single survey people said they thought it could be a useful tool (for writing/playing songs for the Violin).
But even at 5 dollars at one point, no sale.
So I have sense discontinued selling it as I can’t afford the store fees.
I’m almost sure this is because I lack marketing skills. Tried to reach out to Violin people, but either they are to busy with their elite lives or aren’t interested.
So perhaps somebody else can have more use of it.
(Purchasing will also include the website).
for more information if your curious about checking it out, please visit
Here is a video that I have on the website so you don’t have to go to website to check it out.
If you are in fact interested, please send me a message and we can talk numbers.
Or if there is a website where you can auction programs rights away or something,
but I’d rather sell it to a fellow Unity member here in the community.
Not trying to get rich with it, just want it to have potential that I can’t afford to give it.
(NOTE #2)
Requires Easy Save 2 to work (So I can’t sell to you unless you have it - Unless you want to create your own save system, then I’ll remove Easy Save 2 from it).