This is just something I was thinking about today and haven’t done a lot of research so appologies if this is covered somewhere in the forum.
I was wondering if there is a simple way to send out a message to twitter from inside your app. Of course the user would need to enter their username/password etc.
Failing this - how easy is it to send an email from an app?
Like I say - sorry if this is already covered. Did do some searching but nothing showed up.
You could perhaps send www requests to a php site 
Simple, easy to do… sends emails!?name=Me?message=I hope the person doesn’t type anything too long in here otherwise they might break the fabric of the space time continuum?securitystuff=lol
Guwaaaaaaa sounds a bit scary. I know nothing about PHP etc 
If you’re ok with UnityScript or C# you will have absolutely no problem using PHP. It’s very much the same. Take a look at the following pages:
I’ve built several websites now, all with forms and various backend functionality, and I couldn’t tell you anything knowledgeable about php.
You can literally stumble your way blindly through it 
Maybe I’ll give it a go. Basically I want players to be able to send me custom puzzles from the app I’m making. Thought Twitter might be a cool idea as I can hex encode them but some kind of web capture type thing might be a lot better.